News Clipping : The Strait Times 10 May 2007 Recruit p.C28
Author : By Alan Fairweather
我的序言: 我一位尊重的朋友給我最失意的時候給我看的一份剪報, 我不單熟背內容, 還即打入電腦, 傳給同事看. 看完後... 整個人積極了百倍, 它對我日後工作上的成功有非常大的影響力, 讓我分享它成功之方法 :
The way you think often affects the outcome of your actions
Let me tell you a quick story. When I was working in the beer industry, I was intrigued (耍陰謀) by our top 10 successful bar-and-hotel owning customers. The majority of them, to put it tactfully, did not seem to be particularly sophisticated business people. In other words, they did not seem to have had any kind of business training or acquired any qualifications.
I asked my boss how these people had become so successful. He said “They don’t know they can’t do it. You and I see the pitfalls (陷阱), we know about business and we see all the ways we can fail. These people only see how they’ll succeed.”
This was a powerful message – these successful business owners were talking to themselves in a much more positive way than less successful people.
Your level of success in terms of your happiness, emotional well-being and anything else you desire is a direct result of how you talk to yourselves. The most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourselves.
Listen to the self-talk that goes on in your head and ask yourself: “Is what I’m saying allowing me to be confident on top and going for it.”
“or is it holding me back and stopping me from achieving my goals.” If this is the case, you have to change tracks.
Talking to yourself in a positive manner will help you to feel physically better. Words have an enormous power to create change in the chemistry of your body. Your heart rate, blood pressure, muscles, nerves and breathing will all react to the words you say to yourself.
Take a moment to say some words to yourself such as holidays, warm sunshine, sandy beaches, swimming, chilled beer, delicious food. Are you starting to get good feelings? Or maybe words like home, family, children or Christmas make you feel good.
So think about the things you say to yourself and make every statement in the present tense. For example, do not say: “I’m going to make a success of this business" or “I’m going to get organized” or “I’m going to be much more confident”.
Say: “I am totally in control of my life. I am totally confident and positive. I’m achieving my goals. I have determination and drive.”
What you are actually doing here is re-programming your subconscious (潛在意識). If you talk to yourself in a positive way, that is what your subconscious will focus on.
Top sportsmen know that they need to talk to themselves in a positive way to be successful. Research has proved that the success of the world’s top golfers is determined by 20 percent physical ability and 80 percent mental ability. In your day-to-day tasks, you should be no different from sportsmen.
If you talk to yourself in a negative way, that is what your subconscious will focus on. If you think illness, you will become ill. If you think doom and gloom, that is what you will get. But if you think health happiness and success, you are on your way to achieving all of this.
Let me finish with a short story. In the city where I live, finding a car parking lot can be difficult. Say for example I need to visit a bookstore and I decide to take my car I say to myself: “I’m going to park my car outside the bookstore.”
If I have someone with me, he will inevitably say: “You’re nuts, Alan, you’ll never get parked there, far better to park several blocks away in a quieter area.”
And guess what most of the time I get to park outside the bookstore. It does not happen all the time, but talking to yourself in a positive way is much more likely to get you the results you want.
Put this to the test right away. For the next seven days, listen to what you say to yourself and if it is negative, change it to something more positive. You will start to feel better, look better and have much more success in what you do.